If you are like many, patchouli may have been your introduction to essential oils when you were first searching for your own unique signature perfume. This Indian patchouli is one of the loveliest, top-grade patchoulis available today. This oil has a much finer and fuller odor than those patchoulis that have not been given proper time to age and develop. Patchouli has an extremely rich, sweet-herbaceous, aromatic, spicy and woody-balsamic odor. There is an almost wine-like ethereal floral sweetness in the top notes and this sweetness remains throughout all of the stages of dryout.
Patchouli, like vetiver, sandalwood, cedar and frankincense is a perfume fixative. A fixative is a necessary component of a perfume, with its rich and deep scent and the power of holding top and middle notes to the skin for long periods. Patchouli has long been used for beautifying the skin. Aside from being a famous perfume, it is added to many skin lotions and potions. It has the ability as a soothing tonic to restore your skin’s youthful glow and grace. It can be very effective in calming and clearing red and upset adolescent skin. It is also used in solution of a carrier oil to apply to nails which may be suffering from yellowing or cracking.
As for the mind, Patchouli is first thought of for its sensual power in creating an amorous atmosphere. Adding patchouli to your diffuser along with ylang-ylang, bergamot and frankincense will a sweet space to become uplifted and adored.
While patchouli oil has a wide array of therapeutic uses, this particular special reserve aged variety lends itself particularly well to perfume blending and other aromatic usages.
Patchouli oil is non-toxic, non-irritating, and non-sensitizing. Do not take patchouli essential oil internally.
Floracopeia’s patchouli is grown, harvested and distilled in India. It is aged and distilled in the master tradition as needed to produce such a high-quality, almost fruity oil.
This patchouli essential oil from India is light with delicate, earthy notes rounding out the soft herbaceous and mildly spicy bouquet. Patchouli oil blends well with myrrh oil, sandalwood oil, lavender oil, clary sage oil, cypress oil, lemon essential oil and cinnamon oil.
Patchouli is an aromatic, herbaceous, perennial shrub, with erect stems, large green leaves and small white-pink flowers. Patchouli essential oil is contained mainly in glands on the underside of the leaves. The age of the dried leaves seems to have a marked influence upon the quality of the distilled oil.
Patchouli oil is a staple in the traditional medicines of the many cultures from which it originates. Once used to scent fabrics and wardrobes before being traded and sold. Tenacity in odor is one of the typical virtues of patchouli oil and is one of the reasons for its versatile use. Patchouli will remain perceptible for weeks or even months!
Patchouli is a good crop for agroforestry; it can be planted among young or even mature plantations of coconut, rubber, citrus or coffee. The name patchouli comes from a Tamil word, paccilai, meaning "green leaf". In India patchouli is referred to as puchapat. Patchouli was popularized in the early 1800's Europe, when it was used to impregnate paisley scarves and costly woven good from India.
Patchouli oil deepens and mellows with age, and was blended with camphor to give India ink its characteristic odor.
Patchouli is considered warming and moistening so it is an excellent remedy for conditions of excess wind or where the Vata dosha are present. Being of the earth, this oil has calming, grounding and centering properties that work on both the body and the mind equally. Due to its watery nature it is can assist in working against excess heat or Pitta dosha in the body and mind.
Address:Chengxi Industrial Park, Jishui County, Ji an city, Jiangxi Province